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Wednesday, 12 October 2011

To petition or not to petition?

There is a lot of attention being paid right now to Mr Bryce Lawrence and his lack of refereeing skills.  For those of you who have not yet heard of the Facebook petition to get him banned as a referee, feel free to click the link below, visit the site, join the petition and leave a comment or 10.  For those of you who have, well done!  I am going to assume that you have already joined.  For those of you who have boxed those of us who have joined into the category of "Sore Losers", I would simply like to give you some food for thought.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Australian journalist puts the OZ/SA QF into perspective

I'm still smarting from the result of the quarter final between Australia and South Africa along with the rest of the country.  In fact, to such a degree, that every time I sit down to pen something my anger boils to the surface and I abort the attempt as I have a golden rule... never write out of anger, it can never be taken back.  You can imagine my delight when I received the article below from my bestie today.  I could not have put it any better and what makes it so much sweeter is that an Australian journalist from The Australian wrote the report.  Enjoy...

Monday, 3 October 2011

Incompetent Police Work Leads to my Son's Arrest

As a mother, how would you feel if you saw this on your son's BBM status? "At police station, stupid ******* detained me 4 car theft."  I felt instantly sick, my legs turned to jelly and I started shaking.  If I didn't have him on speed dial I'm quite sure I would still be trying to dial his number right now.  

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Personal Information on Your CV Could Result in Identity Theft

A while back I was kicking up my heals about how people don't come back to you if you are unsuccessful when applying for a job.  This got me thinking.  Are all jobs advertised on the internet the real deal?  The unsurprising answer is no...

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Crime Intelligence Unit Targeted by Hoaxter

Hi all,

It's been a while since my last post for two reasons.  Firstly, I've been busy doing a whole lot of nothing and, secondly, there hasn't been much that's caught my interest up until now.

There is currently a message doing the rounds via both bbm and e-mail as follows:

Monday, 13 June 2011

Back off buster! You are oh so married!

It's not often that I go out to socialise, perhaps once a month or so given the current financial situation, so when I do venture to the local pub I do so with the only intention of having a couple of drinks, more than a couple of dances and to have a right royal good time.  Our local pub (name witheld for good reason) is fantastic.  It's a pokey little sports club that is locked firmly in the 80's where the patrons range from their mid to late 30's to geezers that have been going there for so long that their bar chairs have been firmly moulded to their butts.  The prices are reasonable and the music is awesome - I would venture to say that it is probably the only pub that plays such music as the owner is a huge fan of 80's high energy and disco and I supply all his music.